
Allamakee County Conservation Foundation “Beyond The Plateau” Capital Campaign

Allamakee County Conservation Foundation “Beyond The Plateau” Capital Campaign

The Challenge

How does Allamakee County Conservation Foundation board raise a total of $3.7 million to build an education and visitor center in one of Iowa’s most economically depressed areas with a population under 14,000?

The Solution

The Allamakee County Conservation Foundation Board spent a great deal of time researching and studying what elements would be needed to provide the greatest educational and economic impact on the area. With an award of $1.3 million from the National Scenic Byway Grant, the board had the foundation to begin a campaign to construct the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center. With the remaining balance still needing to be raised, AMPERAGE Fundraising Advisers were enlisted for the job.

In the fall of 2014, AMPERAGE compiled video testimonials of stakeholders, captured the breathtaking views of the Mississippi River and surrounding areas and mixed in historic photos all in one “Beyond The Plateau” campaign video.

With a campaign goal that had grown to $3.6 million, AMPERAGE Fundraising Advisers worked diligently with the Allamakee County Conservation Foundation Board, committees, chairs and volunteers to find new ways to raise the funds. In the summer of 2016, a public kick-off was held to celebrate the launch of the campaign and to reveal that 91 percent of the increased $3.6 million goal had already been committed. While assisting in the coordination of the media event, AMPERAGE suggested a direct mail strategy, which helped fill the final gap.

The Results

The Beyond the Plateau campaign consisted of all the right giving essentials: an excellent and responsive staff, dedicated and determined boards of directors, strong and highly committed volunteers, a great cause and an extremely reputable organization.

The Reaction

“AMPERAGE conducted a successful fundraising campaign performing roles in feasibility studies, grant writing, training and media releases. If your Board or Foundation is considering a fundraising campaign, I would encourage you to contact AMPERAGE Marketing & Fundraising.


Conservation Board Director, Allamakee County
