The Otto’s Place Way to Engagement
There are times when you just know you have encountered something special. I had one of those experiences at Otto’s Place in Galena, Ill. Otto’s Place is not on the main drag w
Do Thank-You Ads Work?
I’ve seen a lot of thank-you ads over the years. And, it sounds nice to place an advertisement thanking people who have done something for your organization or business. But
You Are Going Live in 3, 2, 1…
When I was in television, nothing was more exciting than going live. Live television of events, new stories and sporting events are the best; taped Olympics don’t achieve nea
Crisis Public Relations
Life happens while you are making other plans: The city of Dublin, Calif., has a problem and rebranding seems to be the only solution. Dublin is building a water park in the middle
New Trends in Weddings
Millennials are changing the world and it is no more apparent than in the traditional weddings. In fact, the word “traditional” can be thrown out the window. From tradi
Santa is Coming to Town Earlier and Earlier
In marketing, we always look at target market data before we complain about this trend or that trend. So you should never hear a marketing person complain about Christmas shopping
My 600th Blog Post [Thank you WordPress]
This is my 600th blog: No fanfare, no balloons and no bands. Just another post in the 2 million blog posts that are written each day. There are three things I’ve learned from st