A Look to the Future in My Last Blog of 2016
I like to be data driven. And the fact is, readership falls off considerably from now until well after the first of the year. Travel, holidays and end-of-year business all keep people from blog reading. I get it.
Yet, over the holidays I want you to contemplate 2 changes that are going to impact our marketing lives and our lives in general: Virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI).
Artificial intelligence is manifesting itself in devices that work like the Star Trek computer: You ask a question and you get a thoughtful answer. Not a straight search response, but a curated response to your question. “Siri, give me an idea for blogs for 2017.” This will change our search world in ways we can’t even comprehend right now. However, ask Google how AI will change your world and get ready for the answer.
Virtual reality is just as progressive in changing our world and world view. VR is coming on strong because it only takes a piece of cardboard and a smartphone to experience VR. According to Google, “every single video on YouTube can be viewed in VR, making it the world’s largest library of VR content.” With VR, we will have “presence.” That is the feeling of actually being there—looking around corners, observing from different angles. Imagine how impressive a concert or a football game would be if you could really see all around you during the game. But you have to start videotaping things in 360 degrees now if you want to experience any of today in the future.
2017 is going to be fantastic. VR and AI will open worlds to us unknown before. The experiences will be unbelievably immersive. But your story will still need a strong hook. You will still need to take people beyond what Google call’s the “that’s cool” moment.