Is YouTube a Social Platform?
In a very unscientific poll, I asked people what were the most popular social media. The majority said Facebook. A few said Linked in or Pinterest. My son would say Reddit. And one lone person said questioningly, “Linked In?” Not one person said YouTube.
It’s not really a trick question. YouTube remains the social media platform used by the most US adults according to scientific research conducted by the Pew Research Center. YouTube enjoys the highest adoption rate. While Facebook has the highest engagement among it’s users — 70 % of Facebook users say they visit the site once a day.
- Nearly 80 % of internet used say they have a YouTube account.
- It is the second largest search engine only beat out by Google.
- More than 70 % of watch time comes from mobile devices (pre-pandemic number).
- Adoption rates have grown from 73% in 2019 to 81% in 2021.
But is it a social media platform? I’d say yes. And a damn good one. You have submitted user content, Likes, sharing, commenting, you own page, and private groups or messaging. It has all the hallmarks of a social media and the opportunity for long-form entertainment. And it is owned by Google. So it is what ever Google says it is.