Who’s in your Fundraising Database?
Your nonprofit may have hundreds or even thousands of prospect records in your fundraising database. But not all may be attending your programs or events or contributing regularly to your organization.
These individuals may be those to whom your organization sends newsletters or annual appeals, but do you know who they are or how they became part of your database? Many of them were likely added to your database by a previous employee of your organization. And if there are no historical notes about the prospect in your database and a relationship has not been maintained, how do you engage?
Fundraise Wisely shares that a single major gifts officer can typically manage 100 to 150 prospects in their portfolio. Most nonprofits have prospects with the capacity to give at various gift levels which means your organization will need varied approaches to how you engage. For example, annual or mid-level donors typically need less of a personal approach than major gift prospects, and strategies to connect may be digital or through direct mail. In this case, a development officer’s portfolio size could be 200 to 300 prospects.
Building A Relationship with Your Database
Whether you are managing a portfolio of 100 or 300 there are likely to be prospects in your database you’re not engaging with or know how to begin building a relationship with them; especially if your database is in the thousands. Screening your database can help your organization better understand who is in your fundraising database. What are your prospects’ capacity and likelihood to give to your organization? Determining who your prospects are can assist your organization in developing a plan for engagement and building relationships with those in your database. Perhaps some who are major gift prospects just need to be provided with the areas where your organization needs support. You may also find that some individuals in your database are not prospects at all, and you could save costs by not sending mailings to these individuals.
Are you interested in finding out who’s in your fundraising database? AMPERAGE Marketing & Fundraising can assist by conducting prospect research and creating a strategy for engaging with those in your database. Contact Jennifer Rubel, director of fundraising at jrubel@amperagefundraising.com or call 877.932.3279 for more information.