What Really Is Relevant Content?
I appreciate digital programmatic advances as much as the next person, but I’m seeing more and more cracks in the quality of the content. You’ll hear digital gurus pontificate about the advantages of “relevant” content. I’m not really sure I know what that means as the databases work to keep up with the speed of stakeholders.
For example, I’m still being “followed” by retargeting ads for new television sets. Sorry Amazon, I bought the TV. In fact, I bought it through Amazon. How do you not know that, Amazon? You’ve been retargeting me now for 90 days.
The other example was an email I received from TripAdvisor. The email touted the best restaurants in my city. So I clicked on it. The only problem, the No. 1 restaurant for our city had been closed for months. The first review was from a person who was visiting from out of town and found it closed.
Relevant content means it connects directly with my needs, but there is also a layer of trust that is built or lost with the sharing of information. What do I think of TripAdvisor now? Will I trust it when I travel again? Will I trust the email headlines? The content may be relevant, but the brand is not credible. You might need more than a database and an algorithm to win me over again. Be relevant, but work on the quality, not the quantity of the data.