The Power of the Right Message at the Right Time to the Right Person
This 2016 election cycle will go down in history for many reasons, one of which is the influence of digital marketing and social media. According to a Borrell Associates report, digital advertising dollars are projected to surpass $1 billion for the first time. Fortune Magazine reports that the majority of that money will go toward digital display ads on Facebook and Google.
Candidates have grown adept at reaching who they want and when. Information gathered online about people’s interests, dislikes and hobbies fuels this trend. With a few well-defined demographics and eye-catching placements, they can connect with the undecided working mom in Nebraska who is concerned about healthcare. Or inform the job-seeking Millennial when the next debate will be. Candidates count on the fact that millions of users check their social media accounts several times per day. That social habit has personalized this election and delivers campaign messages into the palms of voters’ hands. Digital media excels at tailoring messages instantly to fit the needs of users and delivers immediate feedback and communication.
You don’t have to run for president to benefit from these tactics. The power of a direct message at the right time to the right person is what marketing is all about. With digital marketing and social media, we can take that message and turn it into a conversion faster than ever before. Just ask Kenneth Bone. Kenneth wore a red sweater to a nationally televised debate, and suddenly that red sweater is everywhere. With the data available, advertisers can learn which websites key demographics visit, what topics are important to them and which apps they frequent and place relevant ads front and center. As an added bonus, Google remarketing ads follow users for a few weeks to ensure they get the message. On Facebook, ads can be viewed, shared, commented on, liked and shared some more. Suddenly, your product or message is everywhere. Information is out there, the key is using it to connect.