360 Video Is. All. Around. You.
A recent study by YuMe, called “Immersive Technologies: The New Emerging Platforms & Opportunities for Brands,” stated that more than 50% of respondents said 360-degree video can “help create engaging experiences.”
The respondents also said that 360-degree videos are seen as innovative and people pay more attention to the video format. What is 360-degree video? It is a way to manipulate the image and look all around the scene—behind the camera, above the camera and beside the camera. It allows you to look all around, see more of the details and be immersed in the experience.
Take a look at this 360 video of Saturday Night Live’s 40th anniversary special. I’m using Google Chrome browser and it is working, but I know some browsers are not supporting the format yet. (Try using your phone if your browser doesn’t support 360 video.)
You can see the cue-card man, look at the crowd, check out all the camera operators and review the lighting grid while listening to Jerry Seinfeld’s jokes. You can spot some NFL quarterbacks in the crowd, and you can tell that the laughter is a bit enhanced as well. It looks like about 300,000 other people like me watched 360 Jerry.
The 360 is truly immersive and engaging. But if there is not much going on around the corner or behind it can also be a bit of an anticippointment (anticipating disappointment). But with the coming of virtual reality headsets, the 360 is coming fast.