What Is It With These Kids Today?
“Kids today.” There are so many media options today it is hard to know what kids are doing and what they are not doing. A report from eMarketer, called “US Kids and Digital:
360 Video Is. All. Around. You.
A recent study by YuMe, called “Immersive Technologies: The New Emerging Platforms & Opportunities for Brands,” stated that more than 50% of respondents said 360-
Influencing the Influencers
In the past, looking for leaders in target markets was key. Some brands resorted to tapping celebrities in hopes of gaining a little influential glow from the popularity. Yet bein
We Like to Talk with People on the Phone
You would think in this digital age that we all would prefer to use an email to have our issues resolved. New research by Verint indicates that people still prefer to “spea
Mobile-only is Growing
We all can intuitively determine that mobile is growing. Just watch people at a restaurant sharing photos, texts and snaps. The phone is on more than it is off. This routine is p
Apple-ize Your Clinic
Apple advertising parodies abound on the web. So do outright knockoffs. If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then considered Apple highly praised. But now comes a
Video in the Aisles
I stood and watched people hustle by an aisle cap with a video display. I could hear some of the audio, but with all the sounds in the Wal-Mart, it was impossible to make out any
Amazon Continues to Innovate in a Traditional Way
The headlines about Sears and K-Mart were not very positive—closing stores all across the country. Yet one of the most innovative online retailers is planning on upping its physi