Keep Your Talent Real
In recent research by Barkley and Futurecast (January 2017), it was found that a majority of people prefer to keep it real in advertising.
The “real” means real people. A majority of respondents of all ages said they favor ads that “show real people in real situations.” Nearly 80% of millennials and, surprisingly, 72% of baby boomers agreed with the statement.
People also overwhelmingly agreed with the statement, “I like ads that show real people, not just gender stereotypes from the past.” Not surprisingly, a wide majority of younger people liked seeing ads that show “diverse types of families,” while baby boomers lagged behind with only 48% agreeing with that statement.
This research matches the national trends of people placing their faith in reviews rather than hyperbole. Testimonials may be the oldest form of advertising, but now it is the preferred method of receiving a message—so keep it real when you look for your next talent for that TV ad or sales sheet.