I Love this Nielsen Norman Group Concept and the Respect of My Time
NN/g, or the Nielsen Norman Group, has hit on a great concept that the One-Minute Marketer would absolutely love–In a recent email, they not only provided a key decision-making metric for me to use, but they also showed respect my time.
Take a look at this email: Each article indicates how long it will take to read. How user-experience friendly is that? I’ve always designed my blog to be consumed in 1-minute bites (all blogs are fewer than 300 words which is what the average person can read in 60 seconds). But this is pure genius. It is so smart for this mobile world. I also appreciate that the video is clearly marked and tagged with the length. I can make a decision to watch prior to clicking.
Nielsen Norman Group, cheers to you for respecting me as a viewer and reader.