Do You Care About Image Recognition? You Will if You Get Sued
Image recognition is being used by brands on Facebook, but soon all social media will be covered by software scrubbing your images.
But watch out, as image recognition grows, so will the ability for businesses and organizations to protect their intellectual property. That means everyone will need to make sure they are not infringing on trademarked images and phrases. There is a tech start-up called Trademark Vision. Their technology can be used by lawyers and corporations to find when others are using their brands and IP improperly. It simply scrubs the social media to find abuses.
So you hear a tagline you like for a company in Texas and you use it for your small store in Wisconsin. Well, today the trademark eye in the sky will be looking at all the posts to see if and when the trademark was abused and alerting that Texas company. Now they can send a cease and desist letter automatically or they can get a bit tougher and more expensive.
You can still steal ideas and concepts, but if it trademarked the chances are you will be caught in the future. If they are finding trademark infringement, imagine what else can be scrubbed from all those social media sites.