Print Coupons Still Popular with Shoppers
There is a rumor floating around that a large grocery chain in Iowa abandoned a major market newspaper to mail circulars to households. Instead of relying on the newspaper delivery, the chain is using direct mail.
This chart shows why getting printed coupons or circulars into the home is critical to the success of selling grocery items.
According to eMarketer, “grocery shoppers scan a number of channels to find the best way to save a buck or two. And while digital is a big component of how they find and research deals, many still take the traditional route of circulars.”
We are still in a huge transitional bowl of options with traditional print vs digital, but the shift is still happening, although not as fast as some would have everyone believing.
Remember, it took decades for cars to take over from horses, but the horse business is still a $39 billion dollar industry in the US and there are now more than 9 million horses. That’s more horses now than at any time in the good old days.
No matter what you hear about one industry killing off another, the marketing mix strategy is still the right recipe for a strong marketing effort.