What To Do When Your Brand Blunders
Most companies seem to shrink from mistakes and brand blunders. But when the initial dust settles, it’s time to move forward.
Two companies, Uber and Wells Fargo, have experienced brand crisis for actions and misdeeds, but they also are now fighting back with some strong messages that acknowledge the past wrongdoings and set a course for the future. It’s the best case study for public relations turnarounds.
Wells Fargo admits they made a mistake. And then lays out a case for the new day. I especially like the end graphic, “Established 1852, Re-Established 2018.”
Uber took on a different approach, using the CEO to deliver the message. Watch the audio-video linkage. When he says he is listening, the video always shows he is listening.
According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, when you make a mistake you should:
- Accept responsibility for your role in the mistake
- Show that you’ve learned and will behave differently going forward
- Demonstrate that you can be trusted with equally important decisions in the future
I believe both of these videos do a great job telling the new story going forward for these two companies.
Special thanks to Brian Monroe for sending these videos my way.