Keep Calm and Carry On When Talking Internet Sales
It is hard to keep from being swept up in the “always” and “everyone” talk when discussing Internet impact and sales.
No, I’m not saying that the Internet has not disrupted “everything,” but I also saying we need to keep perspective and understand percentages.
E-commerce is rising rapidly in the US market, yet inexperienced reporters are quick to blame “every” store or mall closing on the e-commerce sales. The chart from statista does show continued growth of e-commerce, but in first quarter of 2018, e-commerce sales only accounted for 9.34% of all retails sales. A sales by a retailer of 9% wouldn’t get anyone in the door.
In this evolutionary phase, you need a strong media mix and a comprehensive strategy to make sure you are tending to the 9 dollars that are traditional and the 1 dollar that is not (and growing).