The Tide is Rising
There are some pundits writing that brand is dead in the digital age. Others, like me, say it is even more important today because of digital.
I saw one great example of brand and brand extension that is cleaning up across the country. The best-selling laundry detergent wants to be the best-selling dry cleaners. When you say Tide Dry Cleaners, you automatically think that whites will be whiter and colors will be brighter.
Tide also has a huge advantage with nearly 1 million Facebook fans and a gazillion loyal customers who have trusted the name for laundry for 60 years.
P&G, which owns Tide, also has opened Mr. Clean Car Wash in many states. What I really like about what P&G is doing is that it’s staying true to the brand when it opens stores of any kind.
Tide is infusing the Tide Dry Cleaners with the known Tide fragrance (rather than the chemical-based blast you get in most dry cleaners) that’s been “cozily familiar to generations of households,” the New York Times reported.
Strong brand wins and, in this case, may raise all P&G boats.