Dr. Google and Disease Searches
We know that more than 85% of people go to Dr. Google first, before going to a physician or physician’s assistant.
We all seem to be Googling our ailments. And when you Google, we now have data to dissect and analyze.
The chart shows that “diabetes” is the No. 1 Googled term in Iowa; “cancer” and “HPV” were the most Googled in Florida and Wisconsin was “diabetes” and “celiac.”
I asked my doctor once if he minded when people brought in printouts from Google searches. He said, “Many times they are right on with their diagnosis.”
TermLife2Go used Google Trends over one full year. One of the findings revealed that heart disease “deserves a bit more attention.” As the leading cause of death in the U.S., you would expect it to be the top-rated search term.
HPV (human papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted infection and affects nearly 80 million U.S. citizens (mostly teens and 20-somethings). It’s a top-rated search term in many states.
This chart shows why we all need more health education, because we really will not be more healthy until the word “prevention” is part of every search.