Creating an Engaging Volunteer Experience
Volunteers are the lifeblood of an organization. They are advocates for a cause, ambassadors to create awareness and champions for services. It only makes sense that we focus on retaining our volunteers as we do with our donors.
Onboarding a new volunteer should be much the same as a new employee to your organization. Although a volunteer may be interested in helping your organization, they may not know all about your mission and services. Provide an orientation to equip volunteers with education and materials. It is also a good idea to repeat the orientation annually with volunteers that have been engaged with your organization so that they are up-to-date and prepared to share the same messages as staff and new volunteers.
Additionally, ensure volunteers are equipped with resources to do their volunteer duties. For example, if they are serving as a spokesperson on behalf of your organization, do they have brochures and referral sheets about your services? Do they have talking points if approached by the media? Branded apparel for a presentation such as tablecloths and displays for informational booths? Volunteer t-shirt or nametag to identify as a credible representative of your organization? Volunteers are an extension of your organization’s services and they should be primed with the knowledge and resources to be an ambassador to your organization.
Check-in regularly with volunteers. A Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund survey found 44 percent of respondents would rather volunteer somewhere else than stay with an organization that does not utilize their skills. In other words, get to know your volunteers and leverage their skills and strengths.
Individuals choose to volunteer because they want to make a difference. Share with volunteers the impact they are making to your organization. Are you able to increase the number of those served with your programs because of their help? Did event participation increase due to their work on a committee or awareness activity? Providing tangible, positive outcomes for their work, continues to keep volunteers interested and engaged in your organization. In addition, soliciting volunteers’ input about a project or process makes them feel that you value their feedback and they become more vested in your organization.
Finally, thank volunteers timely and often. A simple handwritten note, recognition in front of their peers, or simple treat of gratitude go a long way in keeping volunteers excited about serving your organization.