Is it Harder to Get Noticed on the Web?
Does it seem like it is just getting harder and harder to see traction on your website? Get in line. The communications world is more cluttered no matter the medium.
Each website is really just another channel to watch. Although each is a micro channel of information, it is still a channel of content nonetheless. Finding audience and delivering a cogent message is becoming more and more specialized. In spite of how easy Google makes it sound, getting your digital ads seen requires more and more money and expertise.
We did our first website during the late ’90s. There were only about 3 million websites. Today, there are more than 1.7 billion.
And you thought the TV satellite universe of 200+ channels was daunting.
Marketing today is more complicated. Strategy and measurement will lead the way. That’s why we adopted the branding line of “Move the needle.” Because in a sea of sameness, the best way to stand out is with results.