User Experience Trends for 2020
Change and disruption are still on tap for marketers going into 2020. If you were looking for some breathing room, go talk to your Alexa for help.
In a recent UserZoom report, user experience efforts are providing real value to enterprise organizations. There was a nearly 10% increase over last year’s report about the value of UX as a competitive difference.
You can see the listing of user experience value going forward, but what struck me in the data is that 34% of enterprise organizations conduct regular UX research. Some are collecting this data on a weekly basis. The majority of the research was conducted on website and mobile app channels.
Voice activation, which has been reported on extensively in this blog, moved to the No. 2 position. Even though robotics are relatively low on the list, I still feel this has a huge marketing opportunity. People are ready to embrace a robotic future — from surgery to drink making.