COVID-19 and Messaging
This is serious. I’m not making light of the issues, the sickness, deaths or economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis. However, if you look at it from a different messaging orientation, the crisis looks a lot different.
When people ask me what public relations is all about, I simply answer “messaging.” Take a look at this chart. It is different from what you’ll see on CNN or FOX. Those two networks need to generate excitement (good or bad) to acquire and keep viewers. You can report deaths all day long. Yet statista selected another data point to consider, and that is recoveries. See how it changes the narrative. Recoveries will always trail cases because many people are still sick and are in the process of recovering.
Today, public relations is so much more than press releases and press relations (still important), but messaging touches all aspects of your business, from employees to your largest customers or donors.
For those of us looking for more comforting news in these times of mixed-messages on the crisis, the top line (cases in China) is flattening.