Websites Have Just 2 Audiences
Your website has only two audiences: 1) your key target market; and 2) Google.
In theory we can all agree to that, but in practice every department, every area of specialization wants to be on the homepage. The homepage may be the website’s front door, yet every page can be a doorway if SEO is properly optimized. Yes, homepages are still important, but when people search using keywords, they may never cross your organization’s homepage threshold.
The watchword for 2021 is discoverability. Google displays webpages (notice I didn’t say “homepages”) in its search results that meet specific requirements. Those requirements are relevance of your page and authority. Google determines relevance by analyzing your writing and keywords. Google measures authority by the trustworthy links on that page.
According to SEOmoz, successful SEO is made up of 24% trust/authority, 22% link popularity of page, 20% external links to page, 15% keyword usage and 18% click-through, registration and social. As you can see, even if you are on the homepage, if you don’t build quality links, you will not be discoverable. Imagine that in a voice-activated world where only one or two choices will be offered.
This is a very complicated topic for a blog that touts answers in 60 seconds, but let’s simplify it a bit:
When you’re writing for people, 8 in 10 will read your headline only (so spend 80% of your time looking at headlines, only 20% of time on the other stuff). When you’re writing for Google, think of how you validate your authority through building high-quality links to outside sources (for example, if you wrote an article for a magazine or were quoted in a blog, reach out and establish reciprocal links).
People = Headlines/Google = Quality Links
Mark Mathis III is chief creative & strategy officer, partner and cofounder of AMPERAGE Marketing & Fundraising.