Have You Ever Switched Brands?
Have you ever switched brands?
Some believe that brand loyalty is going the way of the bag phone. There are 50 ways to leave your lover and one thousand ways to leave a brand.
We heavily rely on rewards programs and discounts to drive, or better yet, buy “loyalty.”
It seems as if a poor product or service experience drives people to switch brands. More than 30% said they changed brands because an organization lied about its products or services. If your brand promise is hyperbole or a bald-faced lie, it will cause people to scatter to other brand options.
Maybe we should be focusing less on loyalty and more on relevance. In this case, messaging is critical to success. You need to make sure your brand and your branding align with why people use your services or buy your products.
So, is your marketing true? Are there real benefits to the user? Do you have a brand promise that you genuinely promise to your stakeholders?
Sure, there are many non-messaging reasons people switch brands, from losing data to poor treatment of employees. But you can minimize some of the loss by being authentic and honest with your marketing.
Brand loyalty may not be as dead as some believe. It may be really sick because of all the hyperbole and lies told in marketing materials.
It takes some deep organizational soul-searching to find your genuine promise. And the easy answer is never the truth.
Poor product experience may appear to be the leading cause of switching brands, but the devil is in the messaging for me.
Mark Mathis III is the chief creative & strategy officer, partner and co-founder of AMPERAGE Marketing & Fundraising.