Ad/Landing Page Agreement
There is a simple rule that seems so hard to follow in this digital age: Your digital ad must align with where the ad takes you–on the first click. Simple? Not exactly.
The rise of the landing page’s importance is directly because websites have become so complicated and offer too much information. The landing page provides a clear connection between the message of the ad and where you subsequently “land.”
The effect is like seeing a sports coat on a manikin in a store window. You then open the door to go in and find a sea of cologne, perfumes, make-up and jewelry (an experience I had at a Macy’s). Where do you go? For some, you may just walk out the door.
On the internet the experience is the same. Google has developed a quality score to measure the alignment between the ad and the landing page. It is based on the relevancy of your ad, keywords and landing page. But you really don’t need a score, you just need common sense. I see a chair I like so I click on the ad. If you take me to your website and make me do multiple clicks to find the chair, eventually I’ll “bounce out.”
That’s the experience I had with Office Max. I saw a chair I liked in an ad on LinkedIn. So I clicked, then I clicked again, then I clicked again. I still had not seen any chair like the one in the ad. So I then bounced out. It’s hard to measure my difficulties because I would be measured as a “click” from the ad and then a person who “clicked” in again (a conversion). Some might assume I didn’t like the price. Some may assume I had a second thought. But the real problem is I never saw the chair, so I had no chance of purchasing. That’s bad for Google quality scores and bad for business.