Can Your Employees and Customers Verbalize Your Brand Promise?
When we do in-depth questioning research, one question that stumps people again and again is this: “What is your organization’s brand promise?”
Research by Gallup indicates that “the more consumers can accurately verbalize the principal characteristics of the brand promise…the greater the share of their business they give those brands.” As part of Gallup’s research, people were asked, “How would you describe what Brand X represents, and what makes it different from its competitors?”
That is a powerful question. Imagine asking your employees that question. Imagine asking your organization’s board of directors. Imagine asking your contributors that question. Gallup asked the question and compared the responses to a list of core identity elements. The alignment from the people questioned to the list of core identity elements determined the rankings.
Gallup came away with an important recommendation: Make sure “your workforce is aligned with and empowered to deliver the core elements of your brand identity.” It’s important to ask your employees if they know your promise and, even more importantly, do they believe in your brand promise? No alignment with employees probably means your stakeholders are not aligned as well.
You’ve heard people talk about brand awareness. But it is not awareness you need to be successful, it is alignment.