So Who Influences the Influencers?
We all know the most effective advertising is a personal review from a friend or relative. It is the most trusted source for information. That has been true since humans first communicated.
What is also beginning to become obvious is that a group called “influencers” (tastemaker consumers) is becoming just as important. These are the people we follow, read their blogs, “Like” on Facebook and we emulate in clothing, style and mannerisms. Typically, these are celebrities and other pop icons. The people who dominate the top 100 most-trusted people each year are mostly movie or TV personalities or the very rich.
This trend of influencers is the most notable with teens. However, we are all susceptible even if we will not admit it. But what or who do the influencers turn to for their information? According to an Influenster survey (Feb 2017), most are turning to YouTube.
For teen influencers, prefer to watch on YouTube:
- Product review videos 77%
- Unboxing videos (unwrapping new products from their package) 71%
- How-to videos 67%
- Haul videos (feature someone showing and describing products purchased during a recent shopping trip) 76%
- Vlogs (video blog) 45%
- Style collection videos 42%
Millennials and Gen X also had these in the top videos as well. Teens were watching more videos and had more visits to YouTube than the rest of the survey respondents. So who do the influences the influencers—you do if you are using YouTube correctly.