There’s a Lot of Time Pressure on a One-Minute Marketer®
When I started this blog nine years ago, I wanted to make sure that it was snackable — easy to consume, but with enough flavor to be satisfying.

What’s the optimum length for a digital video. It just happens to be 2 minutes. Smart.
And as the One-Minute Marketer® I also wanted to make sure it was always one minute long. No need to invest any more time twice a week on marketing’s hottest news and thoughts. I really appreciate other time-sensitive marketers. We value the reader’s or viewer’s time enough to thoroughly edit our thoughts down to a few minutes.
One of my favorite organizations for this is the Norman Nielsen Group. For years, this organization has been posting articles and videos with the time stamped under the title. Who doesn’t have two minutes to read about 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design?
We are all busy, and time is the new currency. Make sure you’re giving your viewers guidance about the time it takes to consume your content. If your viewers had time, they would thank you.