How Important is Sports to TV?
Advertising Age reports that sports account for nearly 40 percent of broadcast TV advertising spending. It’s not surprising because of last season’s 50 most-watched TV shows, 45 were NFL games. More than half did not air in prime time.
It may be surprising to some that advertisers are flocking to the NFL in spite of a “deflating” image problem over the summer. However, the number of ads that feature NFL players and even announcers seems to be expanding, and online fantasy “nongambling” sites are rapidly growing.
The NFL has all a successful program needs:
- Live events that fight against DVRs and other ad-blocking technology
- Star power and star stories
- A changing story line full of surprises
- A strong merchandising program
- An event feel each week, with NFL parties at the game and at home
- The water-cooler effect the next day
Will we watch the NFL on our phones? I don’t think so; the large-monitor is all part of the experience. Maybe we will watch if we miss a game, but the NFL is made for the big screen, HD, big-audience experience.
Because of this explosion of popularity, you are seeing more prime time games than ever before: Sunday Night Football, Monday Night Football, and Thursday Night Football. (Hopefully, the NFL will leave Saturday to college.) It may be time to add some NFL action to your media buy.